Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Little Things

So I was cleaning the bathroom last night at ten
like any sane person would,
when I looked at my freshly filled soap dispenser
and was suddenly overwhelmed by the gorgeous
color swirl from the new soap I had decided
to purchase this time and the old soap.
Sure one was white the other peach,
so the contrast wasn't so decisive.

But what I thought about was how happy I felt each time 
I implemented a new- often different colored-
soap in with an older soap.
Like a kid watching a magic show.

I looked around and found a couple of other things
that also made me happy every time.

My seashells on display:

And my newly-perfectly placed purse:

So I urge everyone on this Valentines Day dedicated to love. 
To love all the little things 
as well the big ones.
They can both make you very happy. 


  1. Cute purse! Enjoyed reading about the soap. You will have to post some pics of the soap next time you mix the new with the old. Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at BT
